If you agree about this statement:
We all learn in different ways, formally and informally, by listening, by observing, by sharing, by working in group, by discussing, by reading, by doing, role-playing, experiencing, and so on.
Therefore, find here the Language Course right for you.
Teaching through TBLT (Task Based Learning & Teaching)
Offers an alternative to traditional language learning by offering pedagogical activities where:
- Meaning is primary;
- There is some communicative problem to solve, related with real-world activities;
- Language is determined by the completion of a central task and by what happens as the students complete it.
Therefore, a (pedagogical) TASK is:
- An activity to be performed,
- A problem to be solved,
that is carried out using language, and assessed in terms of a task outcome. Some potential benefits in using task-based lesson in L2 teaching are:
- Task activities and achievement improve learner’s motivation and therefore promote learning;
- Tasks can be easily related to learners’ real life language needs;
- Task-based approach enables teachers to see if students are developing their ability to communicate purposefully and cooperatively;
- Tasks are flexible pedagogical tools: planning and success in performing the task can easily be personalized/individualized: students with different levels can operate on the same task, producing more sophisticated/simplified results, that can be evaluated/assessed keeping into account the actual competence achieved by each learner.

What I can offer
All the lessons, the courses, the lectures will be through Webinars with:
- limited group of partecipants
- full access to registrations and materials
- weekly / monthly frequence, time tbd.
- Before the course, I will check with you what are your needs and expectations, what motivates you and what is the goals that you set out to achieve; then I will ask you to perform a preliminary test to determine your preferred learning modalities.
Tutoring & Learning how to Learn
Much more than a simple lecture, but real.
Flipped lessons
conceived as a real opportunity of recovering, consolidating, deepening knowledge and understanding built on your interests and your needs, in accordance with your preferred learning approach, in order to ensure fast and excellent results.
Customized Lessons about these Subjects:
- Latin & Ancient Greek
- Language
- Literature
- CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Any Topic - Learning how to Learn

Courses of Culture & Literature
- Introductory Courses (Ørberg’s inductive linguistic approach) of:
- Latin
- Ancient Greek
- Monothematic Lectures (monthly frequency). Please, check:
- The Home Page in order to know more about this Month’s Lectures
Language Courses
English as L2
In compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
On request, you can prepare for Trinity, Cambridge and TOEFL exams.
Italian language as L2
Fully customized. In compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.