If, like me, you love your learning process as a possibility of discovery and growth.
If, like me, you love this wonderful and complex Country, its language, and its culture.
If, like me, you love the challenge of declining what you know and what you want to know
through any effective dialogue, by embracing and respecting other worlds, other languages, and other cultures.
In that case, you’re in the right place.
Learning highWay(s)

If you are interested in culture and civilization courses, Italian language courses for foreigners or tutoring support for learning how to learn, please visit this section of my site for further information.

Indigo’sElection is the part of my site dedicated to the children commonly labeled as “difficult”, “hyperactive”, “hyperkinetic”, “restless” and, for the same reasons, very often doomed to failure at school. Please, visit this section of my site to find out more.
Translation Services

If you are interested in Translation Services from Italian into English, or from English into Italian, translations from/into Latin or editing and proofreading, please visit this section of my site.
Teachers’ Training

If you are interested in sharing learning materials and experiences, lesson plans, suggestions & ideas from other educational contexts or training / upgrading courses, please visit this section to learn more.
Learning through Webinars

Visit this page to find out the training webinar about language and culture that best suits your learning needs.
G.Read Club

Enter the G.Read Club in order to find advices, ratings, suggestions, sharing opportunities, information, and reading tips.
Contact me

In this section you will find the information you need to get in touch with me and/or send any question about my courses.
About me

My name is Maria Grazia and I am a Teacher of Language and Literature (Italian, Latin, English) with more than 20 years’ teaching expertise.
Vision & Mission

My mission is to provide support to any learners who is willing to improve their potential and become more engaged world citizens.
My Philosophy

All human beings are lifelong learners. To answer, as a teacher, to that assertion is a major challenge, a great opportunity, and a heavy responsibility.